Tag Archives: meetings


I noticed my lip balm has SPF in it. Why? Do lips even get sunburned? This seems like a ploy to sell more cosmetics because everybody likes SPF in their stuff. Put it in the water even.

Apparently lips can get sunburned. And so can your eyes.

Your eyes, which are extremely sensitive to the sun’s UV light, also can burn. Sunburned eyes may feel painful or gritty.

Holy shit! I need SPF contacts.

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It Begins

During a two hour meeting yesterday, I decided to start sharing the things I write in my notebook. Here’s my inaugural post:

This meeting has nothing to do with me, and it’s 2 hours long! I am writing just to make it seem like I’m paying attention. They say you can’t think of nothing, like your brain going into a vacuum state, but I don’t think it’s so impossible depending on how flexible your definition of “nothing” is. Nothing useful. Nothing relevant. Nothing interesting. I’ve been doing it a full 20 minutes at least.

Hedgehog I sketched below my notes.

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